Sunday, April 6, 2008

Well this is a new experience...

So, most of you know that I am very computer illiterate, and scared to death to try anything new on it. Basically, I can retrieve my email, and google certain subjects and that is about it for my technical skills. A few weeks ago, a friend of mine gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with severe heart defects and I began to watch her blog for daily updates. Over the last few weeks, I became addicted to checking her blog and others that were linked to it. I found that many of my other friends had their own blogs. Heck- even Averie's friends have their own blogs! Blogging seems to be an excellent way to journal your families lives, stay in touch with family and friends and get information out there to the masses. At this time, I am officially announcing that I have decided to try blogging, in spite of my shortcomings on the computer. Cross your fingers on my behalf....

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